Feb 7, 2016

7 Ways To Slide In Her DM And Set The 'P' Rolling

Ok I understand how unpopular I am, and how these babes have been out for me since I 'pulled a Kanye '‎ on one of them in her dream,lol. It's all good, at least, some people just have to remember you in a certain 'good' way. Anyway, enough of the musing. Big up to John Momplaisir dngashofficial, and a lot of other cool coaches around who inspire. Yeah, I'm here to help a couple of my dudes with today's wife hunting ministry. And I'm just gonna go straight and hit it on the head, so better know this is not no joke.
OAP Toolz and Hubby Capt Demuren

While a tweet worked for captain Demuren who with a mention succeeded in marrying one of Nigeria's sexiest on air personalities with a trending #TSquared2016‎ hashtag, it doesn't mean it'll work for everybody, cause I know lots of guys would have included that in their strategy list for 2016. Well, all the best with your new found strategy. I'm about to discuss another strategy, but the focus here is on the 'gram. So let's talk about the I.N.S.T.A.G.R.A.M 'P-SETTING'

There are so many of my folks who have this one or two or even three hot divas they've been stalking on Instagram, and don't really don't know how to Kickstart the paroles for fear of a major backfire. Yea, it's major, cause once you blow the chance you're all over social media trending for the wrong reasons. But there hope and that's why I'm here to help with tips on how to 'moonwalk or slide into her DM on Instagram and set that P!.

Please Note that I mentioned DM and not COMMENT- thread. Also note that sliding in her DM (Direct Messaging) is serious business and while it can eliminate curiosity and uncertainty of one's interest it can get ugly very quickly with one screenshot. Within seconds one may find themselves as the subject of laughter amongst her friends in their group chat. Below are some tips that will help :

1. Do your feasibility study. Oh yeah‎! Women and emotional issues are projects on their own, carrying a lot of huge academic units of some sort. So 'e no go better to carry the course' as a second chance to write the carry-over may never come.

2. After doing your feasibility study on her to a very good extent, slide-in with confidence (but be ready to delete your whole IG if she rejects you or if anything goes wrong)

3. Do not, I repeat do not slide in with a prophetic word declaring that God showed her to you as your wife. It is wrong to take that route. As cheap as you think that route looks, it is full of thorns.‎

4. If you are going to slide in her DM please make sure you clean up your IG. It is a known fact that every woman is an unofficial FBI agent and very skilled in private investigation.

Also every woman has a clique of inner caucus executive council with whom they share issues like this. And these inner caucus members are most times the gate keepers you must pass through, because they are indirectly the decision makers. If you fail their screening test and they disapprove of you,only God can help your evangelism. (may I add that they are sometimes the ugly ones who would screen every guy coming to steal their cute bestie away.‎)

5. Always remember the ones who appear stuck up are the most down to earth women you'll ever meet. And this very essential to keep in mind.

6. Do not slide in her DM until you dave done your research and know what she really looks like beyond the glamorous look you're seeing. I am working on an App to remove all filters used, so you can see those wey be say na make up editing filter they help their career. (Don't Get Your Hopes Up just yet bruh, no app is coming o)

7. Lastly, if you ever need to talk.. hit me up. Money Talk, Ok...Bye?? ????????????
Good night.

Love this? please feel free to share or tag a friend who needs to read this and feel free to hit me up on Instagram: @koredanielz and on twitter: @koredanielz

Shalla John Momplai sir dngashofficiall‎

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