Oct 6, 2016

17 Peculiar Traits That Makes People Born In October Standout

The best quality of people born in October, is balanced approach. They are known to maintain consonance between parties with their brilliant diplomatic skills. They are great thinkers and these set of rare beings are gifted with a very logical mind. Octoberites therefore are good at analyzing situations and come up with solutions. They attach high value to intellect. I am going to tell the never-before told traits of October borns because i am also one of them. So chillax and follow my lead..
Here we go….


1. Witty and Spontaneous
They haven’t got head on their shoulders just for makeup and looking beautiful, look beneath the surface, it has lot more stuff inside than outside. Quick/Sharp wit, extreme curiosity, deductive skills, quick thinking and the ability to pick things up here and there as well as thoroughly research the matters of special interest make them able to speak on anything in public gatherings.

2. They Are Charismatic

This is a rare quality, but people born in October abound in it. Really, their charisma as well as charming and magnetic personality gains them many followers and you need to think twice before you contradict them. People born in October are very confident, they love to stand out (just as OctOBER stands out in the ‘EMBER months). All you can just do is to envy their personality.

3. They Are Romantic

People born in October are born romantics and lovers. They are very attractive to the opposite sex and they can easily win anyone over with their sweet talk. If your partner was born in October, you are lucky, because they will love you forever. Romance is in their heart and soul.
Driven by Venus, October born people are extremely romantic and best one’s to date, but can be a little flirty.They add love in whatever they do. So if you are confused whether to accept a proposal from an Octoberite or not?, GO AHEAD and grab it fast!

4. Emotional Intelligence
Those who celebrate their birthdays in October are at the zenith in terms of EQ. People born during this month are conscious of their own emotions and their social skills and empathy are equally outstanding as well.

5. They Are Peace Loving

These people love peace and they prefer a calmer and quieter surrounding. Due to this trait they don’t have many foes. People born in October rarely raise their voice and lose their temper, and they can find common ground with almost any person. True, they have easy going attitude. Octoberites are mostly active yet sometimes they are too lethargic. Usually its not that they are physically lazy but they believe in not taking too much stress on themselves.

6. They Are Hospitable

People who born in October are known for their caring hospitality and they are always happy to see you. They are not only polite but they also make sure other people are comfortable. I think this is a must-have trait of every person!

7. They are Meticulous

Octoberites are sometimes overly meticulous people, they engage in thorough thinking. This is somewhat a strength but if not well balanced consciously, it may end up posing a great challenge in decision making. as they always want to think everything through bit-by-bit before taking decisions. on the positive side being meticulous is a huge advantage as octoberians often come up with good and dependable decisions at the end of the day

8. They Are Optimistic

These people never lose hope and keep trying and they always reach their goals. Since their optimism is extremely infectious they can be good team leaders who have the art of motivating others with their positive attitude whenever the going gets tough.

9. They Are Charming

People born in October are very friendly and they can easily strike up an acquaintance. Their suave and charming personality helps them make new friends wherever they go and their happy, smiling face can light up even the darkest surroundings. You will be amazed by the charisma of their “Charming Personality” this is because October is the month of charm. Octoberites have special ability to positively influence others by connecting with them physically, emotionally and intellectually.

10. They are Independent, Tactically Smart And Achievement Oriented

People born in October are known to be independent, achievement oriented and they are good finishers. These people never leave anything midway and they accomplish every task no matter how difficult it is. They are tactically more a smart worker than a hard-worker. They know how to get it done, but they cannot be called cunning. Its just that they are too good to tweak the emotions of others

11. They Are So Balanced That They Can Be Used As Judges in Court

The Scales will never go to extremes, and will mostly choose the middle path in order to please everyone around them, whatever the issues may be. They are famous for maintaining harmony and balancing between two sides in difficult situations. They are also very level headed and therefore can be sought after for practical solutions.

12. Solution providers

You can get 10 times better solutions from october born people than the baba who chants incantations. Octoberites are good at analyzing situations and come up with perfect solutions that happily satisfies all parties.

13. They Love and Have Eyes for Good Things

Because they have a strong desire for material comforts, they may tend to waste a lot of money in unnecessary luxuries. But thats Ok, after all its their money

14. They Are Good With Words

Octoberites are good communicators with high intellect, they are often great with dialect, having flawlessness in different languages and are therefore good communicators and engaging talkers.

15. They Are Moody

At times they appear to be exceptionally positive,self reliant, accommodating, upbeat and cordial; while, other times there will be a low feeling in their heads. They do a lot of thinking and self evaluation and they settle a lot of things in their minds in their own. But if things don’t go well sometimes they get overly worried and at such circumstances they can be absolutely negative and to a great degree unfeeling to the agonies of others..

16. Their Word Is Bond

Octoberites stick to their words, vows and promises to the end. They rarely break promises without extremely good reasons for doing so. They are loyal and trustworthy, if they give you their word you can go to sleep feeling safe. This is the reason people confide in them more because of this rare trait.

17. They Are Compassionate
People born in october are compassionate to the cause of other people around them. Their philosophy is lets grow and be happy together. in the light of this , they show solidarityand great concern for others wellbeing

As you see people born in October are wonderful. They are friendly and optimistic and they have plenty of other awesome traits! Yet to make success kiss their feet, they need to work on their indecisiveness Sure, not all people born in October possess all of these personality traits, but most of them.

The most troublesome things for an Octoberite is to take a decision. They are too meticulous. And at the point when confronted with coming up with a quick decision it becomes a bit of a challenge, because they always want to weigh all options before decisiding on what to do, and this can turn into a major obstacle in their way. Just work on this and you will be the best!

Credit: koreDanielz/Amerikanki/Storyalert

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