Oct 6, 2016

Relationship Talk: ‘ Why is Our Marriage Different? ’

I found this really important to share with you today and I hope you’ll also be nice to share with a friend or two. A couple of married ladies hung out on some sort of ladies night-out and just as you would expect, issues about their men came up and the discussion was why our marriage different from what we desire it to be.. it’s an interesting convo down after the cut.. So, Leggo!
Mary: Why do I always end up with the worse choice. Even when things are being selected, I seem not to get the best. The worse is when I don’t choose the best for myself. …and I prayed vigorously about this issue. Hmm… it is well. Now, I am stuck in this marriage, everyone seems to be travelling to Dubai, my own husband is not even budging. Look at Kenneth and his wife, they always travel every summer, their children attend Corona and they live in Victoria Garden City, do you know how much a 3-bedroom house cost there?
Serena: I feel like that sometimes, but are you not better than me? I clocked 47 last April, and I am still single. I agree, I lost some opportunities due to my naivety and immaturity, spending time with time-wasters. Look at me, every time I walk into a room, everyone grabs their husband tight, lol.
Mary: Lol, I hope I am not one of them?
Serena: Let’s leave that story for another day.
Georgina: It is amazing how we spend time analysing people’s lives. Are you aware that Kenneth’s company is the one paying for his house and his trips. What do you think would happen to him if he lost that job today? You are living in your own house, you have another building that would be ready soon, which you said you plan to put up for rent. To shock you, are you aware that Kenneth batters his wife? This same attitude is what made Thomas walk walk out on me. My babes, you know me, you know who I used to be. Everyday, I pray that God touches him wherever he is, let him just come home.
Comparison magnifies the weaknesses of our marriage, while diminishing the abundance within it. Comparison kills marital romance. Decide today to deliberately look for what to celebrate in your spouse and marriage, what you focus on is what you will give attention to. God bless as you share this post.

Chidi and Victor
Romance and Relationship Catalysts.
KoreDanielz is a blogger, poet, love engineer and a serial contributor on relationship issues. Twitter & IG – @koredanielz . Credit : FFA, Google image

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